3 Simple Solutions To Refresh Your Backyard For The Summer Season

Posted on: 25 June 2018

From cookouts and playing on the swing set or jungle gym to sunbathing to get a tan, you will most likely be spending a lot of time in your backyard during the summer season. While you may have purchased the hot dogs, made the potato salad, and prepared the pitcher of ice-cold lemonade, your backyard may require a bit landscape work. Fortunately, refreshing your landscaping does not have to be as overwhelming as the summer heat and bright sun.
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Improving ADHD Symptoms In Children Through Outdoor Living & Activities

Posted on: 23 April 2018

According to research, the increase of technology has contributed to a decrease in time spent in nature. In fact, the study found that children 8-12 years old spend three times as many hours in front of televisions, computer screens, and electronic devices than they do playing outside. And while it's common knowledge that a sedentary lifestyle increases the risks of obesity, research shows that it also increases the risk of ADHD in children.
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Involved In A Real Estate Transaction? Why You Need To Obtain An ALTA Land Survey

Posted on: 23 March 2018

When you purchase real estate, it isn't always necessary to have the land surveyed. Sometimes it's possible to just go with the information that's provided by the title search and tax records. However, there are other times when you simply can't do without a detailed land survey. For those times, you need to ensure that you obtain an ALTA land survey. Unlike other surveys, the ALTA survey will provide you with all the information you need, including where all the improvements have been made.
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Spring Landscaping: 3 Ways To Get Ready

Posted on: 6 March 2018

Has your area had its final frost? If so, you can finally begin preparing for spring landscaping. This means that your yard finally doesn't have to be an eyesore any longer. As you start packing up your snow boots and snow shovels, there are a few things that you are going to want to know as you go about increasing your home's curb appeal. Here is how you can get ready for prepping your landscaping this spring.
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