Two Tips For Creating A Sustainable Landscape

Posted on: 2 December 2017

The term "sustainable landscape" may seem like an oxymoron since plants are a natural element in the world. However, many homeowners engage in problematic practices when it comes to their yards and gardens that can hurt the local ecosystem and cause other issues with the environment as a whole. If you want to ensure your yard is as green as possible, here are two tips for creating a sustainable landscape:
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Yes, You Need To Keep Caring For Your Grass Before The Snows Hit

Posted on: 9 November 2017

If you think of fall and winter yardwork, you may think of raking leaves or shoveling the snow. Since your grass will be either die, go dormant, or be covered in snow, lawn maintenance may be the last thing on your mind. However, fall and winter lawncare is vital to keep your lawn looking nice come spring and summer. Here are some tasks you should take care of before snow hits your area:
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How To Lay Cobblestone Pavers

Posted on: 5 October 2017

If you want to enhance a garden, separate a flower bed, or smooth the harsh appearance of an asphalt driveway consider adding cobblestone pavers. Cobblestones are small rocks once used to pave roads. Installing cobblestone pavers gives you landscape a uniform look as well as provide a mowing edge. You should able to install the pavers yourself by following these instructions. Prepare to Install the Cobblestone Pavers To lay the pavers, gather:
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How To Build A Retaining Wall Out Of Natural Stone Pavers

Posted on: 27 September 2017

Retaining walls are an important landscaping design tool that can be used to reduce erosion, control water drainage, and generally act as a decorative set piece in your yard. You can make a retaining wall yourself out of stacked blocks of natural stone with just a few simple tools and some elbow grease. What You'll Need Before you get started, gather up all of the tools and materials that you'll be using to ensure that the process goes quickly and smoothly.
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